University of Arkansas - Fayetteville

Dean's Suite Assistant

January 2023 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

The job title was flexible and the expectations of each day were different. I got to work on a lot of cool projects!

What I wish was different

I wish there would've been more tasks some days.


Always ask about job opportunities on campus!
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May - July 2022 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

Lots of opportunity to gain experience and different teams to be involved with.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time there to do more of my work.


I think it is a valuable experience if you are considering graduate school or research in the future.
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Research Intern

May - August 2022 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

I enjoyed working with specialized equipment in a developing field close to my dream field of work. I enjoyed working with a close group of fellow researchers all working on very different projects but united under the same goals.

What I wish was different

The accommodations to house me, being an out-of-state hire, could have been more amiable or conducive to a positive working attitude. Additionally, certain events outside of the employer's control set me back a considerable amount financially and mentally.


Don't be discouraged by one rejection from what you wished to do, because there's always somebody looking for a helping hand. Sometimes, being denied can open a different door. I was denied from a different program that then referred me to my employer, and now I'm presenting that research at a conference on their behalf.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

August 2021 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

I learned a lot while doing research under the graduate students and the post doc.

What I wish was different

I wish that the lab would have been on campus.


You will learn so much in a research lab, that you won't in a class!
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June - July 2021 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

I enjoyed being able to choose the project I wanted to focus on and then learn about something normally outside of my major. I also enjoyed learning about the local environmental and Native American history of Northern Arkansas. This experience allowed me to learn about an area of the United States I have never been to and gain lab skills that the pandemic didn't allow me to learn during my lab classes.

What I wish was different


When signing up for EcoREU, be specific with your environmental interests so that the program director can pair you with the best mentor. There is a lot of support within the program, so you will have a fun time at the program!
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Intro to Apparel Production Instructor

January - May 2021 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

Great supervisor! Gained valuable teaching experience in higher education focused on my studies. Allowed me to learn how to plan lessons for each class session and troubleshoot needed changes.

What I wish was different

I was working full time, taking classes and teaching so there was very little time to reflect.


Give yourself time to reflect on your experience. Don't try to work full time while completing an internship because it leaves little time and doesn't allow one to give extra effort when needed.
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June - August 2019 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

I meet other students who were in the same program and we got to share ideas on the different project we were doing. I had to work on a number of projects which entailed learning softwares to help me go though these projects.

What I wish was different

Generally it was a great experience but I wish I had more hands on project to work on. I can understand it was just a 3 month program but there was still a number of projects that were not taken bu anyone and we were limited on the number we could take.


Since I plan on going to graduate school, it is a good way to understand what the expectations are as regards projects, presentations of these projects and writing proposals to get these projects. In addition its helpful to talk to other doctorate degree student to understand how they feel about getting a PhD if that is a path you potentially want to go to.
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Undergraduate Researcher (REU)

May - July 2019 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

Received hands-on experience in engineering and presented research. Toured labs and viewed fabrication process of power modules. Met people from colleges across the country.

What I wish was different

I worked more on a computer science side of the research and would like to work more on an electrical engineering aspect.


This was a great experience to get to do research and to see what opportunities other colleges have, especially for graduate programs.
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Video Producer

June 2019 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

I loved having the ability to be creative at a job

What I wish was different

I wish we’d had a little more time to learn how the equipment worked before delving into serious projects


Say yes to as many opportunities as you can; you never know what you’ll find you like or are good at
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

May - July 2019 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

Multiple career development lessons. Got a deeper look into what graduate research is like. Was exposed to a new topic of engineering I was previously unaware about.

What I wish was different

More planned social events for the research students.


There are many people willing to help you if you get stuck.
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Chemistry REU Student Researcher

May - July 2019 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

I really enjoyed getting the opportunity to live in a completely new state and and meet other professionals in the chemistry field. I also loved having the opportunity to help conduct research in a completely new field that I had never heard of before.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to work on my project. Oftentimes in research one will experience numerous failures, which can take precious time to correct.


I would advise students to step outside their comfort zone and network with people who are in their fields of interest. I discovered and was recruited for this opportunity because I had attended a science conference to present my past research and was scouted by a director of the summer research program.
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Oragnic chemist research assistant

June 2018 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

Conducting different experiments. Learning new techniques and methods. Using advanced instruments.

What I wish was different

Presentations each week.


This experience taught me how to independently run experiments and think of other possibilities to extract product if anything goes wrong. Promote critical thinking and understand chemistry behind each reaction.
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Chemical Engineering Research Intern

May - August 2018 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

I loved the research, my project, and my faculty advisor.

What I wish was different

I wouldn't have changed anything.


I wish I had looked into REUs earlier in my college career, because it would have exposed me to more potential graduate schools.
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Research Student

May - July 2018 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

I liked the lab I worked in and the people I worked with. The program was incredibly helpful in informing students about grad school and what we need to do for it as well as exposing us to different areas of chemistry research.

What I wish was different

I wish we had been able to do more hands on preparation for grad school. Or maybe an improved tour - a conference would have been wonderful.


It is important to know what you do not want to do as much as you know what you do want to do. I figured out something I didn't want to do and that has helped form the path of my life.
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May - July 2017 • Fayetteville, AR

What I liked

The professors and other researchers were very helpful and engaging.

What I wish was different

I wish it was closer to home, but Fayetteville was an amazing city.


Go for it! I was nervous to travel so far for 10 weeks, but it was a great research experience. Everyone was so nice which also made the experience memorable.
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